Archives: October 2009

Microfinance in Morocco

Microfinance au Maroc

Known microfinance sector in Morocco exceptional success, despite his youth, where the sector has flourished, especially after the financial support of the UN Development Program under the "PNUD" MicroStart microfinance, which was founded in February 1998, which has provided financial support amounting to U.S. $ 1,7 million, and USAID (1.6 million U.S. dollars), and in 2000 will the Hassan II Fund for economic development and social sector support financial cover $ 100 million dirhams, this support has enabled the development of associations and the development of number and value of loans granted.

And return the launch of this sector in Morocco to the mid-90, causing many of the NGOs in this field, we recall in particular the Moroccan Association for Solidarity and Development "AMSED" founded in 1993, the association ZaKoura microcredit in 1995, and association Al-Amana for the rehabilitation of small businesses, the Association of Local Development and Partnership in 1997 ... .
And that having a special legal framework microcredit (Law 97-18) (in light of April 1999), and the establishment of a number of institutions to contextualize the work of these organizations like the Council's Advisory micro-credit, and the National Federation of the Assembly of micro-credit "FNAM" contributed to the structuring and framing sector The total number of beneficiaries of micro-credit at the end of last year (2008) 1,250 million beneficiaries (), the total amount of approximately $ 5,8 billion dirhams, while the percentage of recovery of loans of the same year was 94% after 98% of the year 2007 ( ), and Morocco has 13 associations active in this field, 5 of which associations are a great (Al-AMANA, ZAKOURA, Association of Local Development and Partnership "FONDEP", Fondation Banque Populaire microcredit "FBPMC", and "ARDI"), which accounts for 95% of customers Microcredit in Morocco, and women constitute 64% of the total beneficiaries .

By Rachid AJMAL

The role of microcredit in poverty alleviation: Sample Morocco

microcredit in Morocco

Remainder of microcredit as an effective tool for economic and social development, one of the mechanisms working and modern mechanisms to reduce poverty in its various Tmzarath and manifestations. Has proven global experience of microfinance in many countries of the developing world (Bangladesh, Brazil ...) they are important engines of human development and the fight against poverty, and gender empowerment; especially women, the weakest link in society from self-employment and achieve economic Astqlalithn, and their contribution within the their family to provide food, clothing, and ensure the education of children with continuity and thus achieve their integration within the community.

In a study carried out by the Foundation, "Planet Finance" Planet Finance Morocco in 2005 at the request of the National Federation of Microcredit with a view to assessing the effects of micro-credit to beneficiaries, and the study concluded that these loans had a significant impact in improving the conditions of beneficiaries and improve their incomes, the study included a sample of 1287 per capita, the majority of customers recognized the occurrence of positive change on the level of nutrition within the family (62%), the promotion of independence (36%) and calming (57%).
Loans as a new small to fight the phenomenon of poverty depend on the proximity of the poor, especially in rural areas, which is in dire need for this type of financial services, as it relates to the preparation of structures and infrastructure (connectivity of drinking water, electricity, housing, ...) that been deprived for decades, due to Ana and marginalization, which still suffers from it by the public authorities at the expense of the development of urban centers, small loans have done so - if we want to say - re-sort of balance and aims to correct the imbalances and inequalities, that exist between rural areas and urban areas, thereby reducing the phenomenon of rural migration, and rural development and rural areas and contribute to human development in general, through the empowerment of the poor from access to financial services.
By Rachid AJMAL

The impact of microcredit

Rural woman in Africa

Be microcredit impact and a positive impact on the beneficiaries, both in the short term, medium and long term, including:

- Install action : the first is a feature of microcredit, the poor characteristics of the main Sun fluctuating income and minimization, where it is not fixed and unchanging, and this is about the instability of cost-effectiveness of their project or work, by a number of variables long - medium term (economic crisis, for example ... ) or seasonal (such as drought for agricultural activity ...), making them vulnerable to external shocks, but it is through microcredit directed to the poor, will enable them to establish small businesses or small their project development and pre-existing work on the development, which allows secure their incomes are Qar and fixed, and thus achieve food security, health, family and ensure the education of children ....

Micro-loans, on the other hand, contribute to the transfer of low-income beneficiaries, who are employed - usually - in the informal sector (hawkers, for example) to the private structured, and thus enable them to work legally and orderly manner, all as a result of micro-project development and growth.

- Empowerment of women : women are vulnerable group of the population, suffer most from poverty and social exclusion, economic, and health for women are major inequalities in utilization of various services (education, health ...) Micro Loans, originally, was addressed primarily to serve women .

Women in rural areas bear the burden of a large part of the tasks and works in agriculture and traditional industry and the White, but that work is unpaid, and studies show that microfinance can contribute to the emancipation of women from economic dependence and play a fundamental role in the autonomy of women, be microcredit to grant women the self-confidence and helps to strengthen their independence and their contribution within Jmathn When women benefit from a small loan and a member of the project, many aspects of the parallel turn, belong (food, education, health ...) and the project is not only alone.

By Rachid AJMAL

Grameen bank : bank of the poor

Economy is Bangladeshi Muhammad Yunus and the founding father of micro-credit programs, one of the financial innovations that have arisen with the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh, which was founded in 1976 as a project to turn later to the Bank of specialists in the year 1983, the most famous micro-credit programs in the world , where the proportion of women constitute more than 90%, with the rate of recovery of loans amounting to more than 95% , and in this regard, Muhammad Yunus was awarded this status with his Grameen Bank, Nobel Peace Prize in October 13, 2006 by the Swedish Academy in recognition of greeted the visit to the fight against poverty.

Successful experience of Bangladesh in micro-credit programs through the Grameen Bank - means Bank of the village - in the recovery of loans and access to the poor, attracted worldwide attention, has been replicated in more than 60 countries including the United States , and in many countries of the world developing low-income in order to fight poverty and social exclusion and financial discrimination.

By Rachid AJMAL

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The concept of poverty

child poverty in africa

The identification of the concept of poverty is not easy, arises where a great deal of controversy and disagreement about the appropriate definition of poverty, some researchers poverty is defined according to income or rather due to the lack of income, and other researchers emphasize that poverty should be measured by the inability of the individual to obtain the necessary social requirements, and accepted that poverty, can not be reduced only in the deprivation of financial resources that this concept be expanded to include other forms of human deprivation, the concept of poverty is defined from the perspective of social exclusion.

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By Rachid AJMAL

Microfinance blog - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more
Microfinance Blog

We are very pleased to open the first Arab blog specializing in microfinance " Microfinance : Alleviate Poverty " , , which we aim to introduce the concept of microcredit and microfinance and their advantages, as well as By Morocco's experience in microfinance sector and associations working in this field to the latter, as we will try to identify the micro-credit in line with the Islamic law.
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Rachid AJMAL
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The concept of Microfinance

Microfinance is new way to alleviate poverty

Micro credits (Micro-loans) are generally one of the financial innovations that have arisen with the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh, microfinance is to expand the scope of very small loans, and aims to stimulate entrepreneurship among those who suffer from poverty to self-employment and develop their small businesses, to alleviate poverty and improve their status and social and thus improve the status of their families and their children in terms of standard of living on the one hand, and level of access to social services (such as health, education, ...) on the other.

By Rachid AJMAL

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